Virtual Phone in France

Address France Virtual Phone -

You chose one of our services : Mail France, Virtual Office France or E-Commerce Logistics France ?

You would also like to keep a "presence" in France by having a French phone number at your disposal ?

What is this service about ?
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  • We provide you a phone number in France. Calls received on this number are automatically redirected to the number of your choice (fixed-line or mobile) anywhrere in the world.
  • You pay only the communication between your Ubidoca number and the number to which the call is redirected.

The advantages of this service :
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  • You can receive your calls wherever you are.
  • You provide a local presence in France to your customers.
  • Callers do not know your real number associated with this virtual line.
  • You can change your private phone number without asking your customers to update their records.

How much does it cost ?

Service Cost
Virtual telephone in France 5 euros per month

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