Parcels Delivery
Storage in France

Address France Parcel Delivery and Storage -

You chose one of our services : Parcels, After-Sales in France or Sell in France ?

You need a dedicated storage space for your products ?

What is this service about ?
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  • You are a company :
    • You choose the size of your parcelBOX according to the number and the volume of parcels you expect to receive.
    • We store your products in a dedicated storage area.
    • This storage area can be used to store :
      • your products while waiting for your customer orders
      • customer returns for after-sales service before we group them into a single parcel to reduce your shipping costs.
  • You are a private customer :
    • You shop onlime and have parcels sent to your parcel delivery address in France. You want us to store them in a ParcelBox until all parcels have arrrived, so that we group them and reship them to you.
    • You choose the size of your ParcelBOX based on the number and volume of parcels that you expect to receive. All your parcels are kept in this dedicated and secure storage space. Your parcels are thus in a safe place.
    • As soon as you no longer wish us to keep your parcels, simply send us an email or contact us by phone. All parcels are then shipped and the ParcelBOX is interrupted.

The advantages of this service :
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  • You reduce shipping costs because your parcels can be grouped in one shipment whenever you wish.
  • You optimize parcel storage costs since you are only charged for the rental of this storage space, not unplanned parcel storage fees.
  • You save time on the fulfillment of your customer orders since your stock is already in our premises.
ParcelBOX size
m3 Cost / month Lenght (m) Width (m) Height (m)
0.10 m3 3.60 € 0.50 0.50 0.50 Address France Ecommerce Office France - Shopping Cart -
0.50 m3 12.00 € 1.00 1.00 0.50 Address France Ecommerce Office France - Shopping Cart -
1.00 m3 19.20 € 1.00 1.00 1.00 Address France Ecommerce Office France - Shopping Cart -
2.00 m3 30.00 € 2.00 1.00 1.00 Address France Ecommerce Office France - Shopping Cart -
4.00 m3 47.40 € 2.00 2.00 1.00 Address France Ecommerce Office France - Shopping Cart -
8.00 m3 75.90 € 4.00 2.00 1.00 Address France Ecommerce Office France - Shopping Cart -
16.00 m3 131.90 € 4.00 4.00 1.00 Address France Ecommerce Office France - Shopping Cart -

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