Registered Office Address

With registered office

Office Address France, Virtual office -

Do you wish to get a registered office address to establish your business in France ?

Are you looking for a virtual office to take charge of your administrative tasks ?

Do you wish to manage your activity remotely ?

Ubidoca enables you to get a registered office address in France to establish your company and manage it remotely as efficiently as if you were physically based in France.

How does it work ?




Daily Reception



1 Registration
(read more...)

  • Once your registration is complete, you get your registered office address in France to start the registration process for your business in France.
  • We send you a contract by email. You must return it to us with the required documents for validation. Once signed, the contract establishes the hosting of your registered office in our company approved by the Prefecture (Prefectoral Approval No. 2012080-0010). You can start the registration process.

2 Daily reception
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  • You choose the way we must process your mail (mail scan, envelope scan, simple forwarding).
  • All your mail is received in our premises from Monday to Friday and processed according to your needs.

3 Forwarding
(read more...)

What is your status ?

Independent Contractor

Office Address France Independent Contractor  -

from 4.17 € /month + VAT


Office Address Company France -

from 16.67 € /month + VAT


Office Address France, Association France -

from 4.17 € /month + VAT

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